Goddess Remembered
Directed by Donna Read – 1989
The Burning Times
Directed by Donna Read – 1990
Full Circle
Directed by Donna Read – 1991
Gaia Education’s Ecovillage Design Education (EDE)
programme curriculum will guide you through the four dimensions of sustainable design; Social, Ecological, Economic, and Worldview.
The educational curriculum includes tons of information on each dimension and engaging learning activity examples that can be applied to different settings.
Send me a FREE EDE Curriculum!
This is a list of books and films you can choose to read or see but they are not obligatory to the course admission or certificate of completion.
Google Scholar is a useful book search link where you can download books for free
The Dancing Goddess: Principles of a Matriarchal Aesthetic
by Heide Göttner-Abendroth
Affiliate Link:
The Work That Reconnects
Coming Back to Life: The Guide to the Work that Reconnects,
byJoanna Macy & Molly Young Brown
See book here
Learn More here
History with a different perspective
The Chalice and the Blade. Our History, Our Future.
by Riane Eisler
Audible Affiliate Link:
Looking at existing matriarchal societies
Matriarchal Societies. Studies on Indigenous Cultures across the Globe
by Heide Goettner-Abendroth
Affiliate Link:
Societies of Peace: Matriarchies past present and future
by Heide Goettner-Abendroth
Learn More here
Women and Economy
Women and the Gift Economy: a radically different worldview is possible
by Genevieve Vaughan
Affiliate Link:
The Road to Define Patriarchy
Why does Patriarchy persist?
By Carol Gilligan & Naomi Snider
Affiliate Link:
The Mythological Journey of the Goddesses.
The Heart of the Goddess
by Hallie Iglehart Austen
The witch & witchcraft story telling, the art of herbalists, the craft of card telling, palm reading, ceremonies history of witch hunts.
Sorcières. La Puissance Invancue des Femmes
by Mona Chollet
Audible Affiliate Link:
Mother Peace: Tarot Deck and Book Set
by Karen Vogel and Vicky Noble
Affiliate Link:
Scholarships are available for EU and non-EU citizens which cannot afford the Middle Path. Share your dreams, life aspirations and motivation with us and apply for this opportunity. Please send an email with your photo to:
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Sponsor a place in this event and offer the opportunity to someone, who otherwise would be unable to participate.